Monitoring for EPR The one day seminar, led by Paul Mudway, is designed to enable Local Authority staff to competently inspect, audit and regulate the monitoring of stack emissions and process parameters in accordance with the relevant guidance notes and national, European and international monitoring standards.
Location | Address | Date | Booking Form | View Map |
1. Health & safety requirements
2. Standards for the periodic manual monitoring of stack emissions
3. Periodic measurement of particles by manual techniques
4. An introduction to trace species
5. Gas sampling and conditioning
6. Non-optical instrumental techniques
7. Optical methods for continuous monitoring
8. Gases and vapours by manual techniques
9. Gas composition calculations
10.Emission monitoring report format
Course Cost GBP140.00 per delegate
See Courses at a Glance for dates and details or Full List of Courses for more information.
We regret attendance fees will not be reimbursed for cancellations received less than five working days prior to the seminar or for non-attendance on the day. All courses are subject to minimum attendance and may be cancelled/postponed at short notice.
Friars Gate Farm, Marden Hill, Crowborough, East Sussex, TN6 1XH, Tel: 01892 611 377
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